Frog Lake First Nation Elections Appeals 2023
Our Nation, Our Choice, Our Traditions, Our Future.
Possible reasons (but not limited to) someone may ask for appeal
You disagree with a decision made by the electoral officer, such as candidacy or voter eligibility
You believe the election was not held according to the rules laid out in the Frog Lake First Nation Election Code
A candidate's actions are notably against the code of conduct and have made a material impact on the outcome of the election
Appellants will be asked to provide the following to prevent frivolous applications and ensure integrity:
Grounds of the appeal
Evidence to support said grounds
An application fee
Notarization by a Public Notary or Commissioner of Oaths
Upon receipt of an application, the chair will confirm receipt, review, and decide if an appeal hearing should be held.
Appeal applications must be submitted directly in person or via email to the Clerk of the Election Appeals Committee
Glenna Walker
Email: glennawalker@froglake.ca
Phone: (780) 943 3737
General Delivery Frog Lake, Alberta T01A 1M0
Linda Potts
Doris Okanee
Elaine Carter
Tanner Stanley
The Frog Lake First Nations Election Appeals Committee is the body which reviews on electoral disputes and decisions made by election officials on a complaint basis.